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moral stories for kids - free



Stella and the sun moral story for kids





once upon a time there was a cute girl named Stella who liked to climb everything. She was going up on the chair! She used to climb on the table and in short, she climbed on everything! She even climbed trees.

Stella wanted to climb so high that she could catch the sun with her little hands! One day, Stella’s parents took her to a very, very high mountain! Even though Stella became very tired on the way. She was was happy Because she knew that when she reached the top of the mountain, she would be very close to the sun and she thought that she could take it from the sky for herself.

After hours of climbing, Stella and her mother and father reached the top of the mountain! But the sun was still in the sky and Stella could not reach it. That’s why she turned to his father and said:
Dad! Can we take the sun home with us?

Stella’s father tried to take the sun, but after a little effort he said:
No! My hand does not touch the sun!

But suddenly a thought came to his mind! He said to Stella:
Maybe if you sit on my shoulder, you will reach it!

Stella sat on dad’s shoulders with her mother’s help. When Dad stopped, Stella was closer to the sun! Stella stretched her hand and stretched until finally she was able to hold the sun in her hand. Stella smiled happily! Now she could take the sun home to keep for herself! But as soon as Stella put the sun in her pocket, everything got dark and it started to get cold! But it didn’t matter to Stella! Because the sun was in her pocket and it warmed her! Stella was so happy that she didn’t notice any of this happening!
After playing with the sun for a while, Stella said:
We have to go back home so I can show the sun to my friends and play together!

A few hours later, when Stella and her parents arrived in the city, everyone in the city was sleeping, because it was night! Stella waited for a few more hours, but still it was not morning and no child came out of the house. All the houses were closed. All the flowers had faded and a cold wind was blowing.
When Stella saw that the morning did not come, she put the bright and luminous sun in the drawer and fell asleep!

A few hours later he woke up with a sound! The children were singing in the street! They read one poem after another:
It’s dark everywhere
how cold the weather is
I wish the sun would return to the sky
Golden and bright sun
where are you?
Maybe someone came
He took you and put you in his pocket!
kind sun
come back to the sky

Stella quickly went to her friends and said:
Guys! Guys! I didn’t know that if there is no sun, it will be cold everywhere and the trees will dry and the sky will be dark!

Do you know where the sun is? children asked confused.

Stella told the story to her friends and showed the sun to her friends! All the children’s eyes sparkled! All of them wanted to take the sun for themselves! But they understood that if they take the sun for themselves, the whole world will be dark and it will never be morning again! That’s why they said:
Stella! Where did you get the sun? We have to put it back in its place!




Timmy, the king of jungle moral story for kids




In a green forest, many small and big animals lived. Every morning, when the sun rose, all the baby animals gathered by the river and played together! Then they would sit and eat the food that their mother had prepared.

Timmy was a little tiger cub who happily woke up every morning, took his food bowl, and went to the river! But when it was time to eat, he would always take his food dish and go behind the trees and eat secretly. One day when he was eating his food, he heard laughter! He looked behind him and saw baby lizard and baby lion laughing loudly!

Timmy asked angrily.
Why are you laughing?

The baby lion said:
Ah! Do you want me to give you some of my food to eat?

Baby lizard said:
Do you only eat so much with your big body?

Timmy was upset and ran home crying! When her mother saw her crying, she asked sadly:
Dear son! What happened?

Timmy cried:
Baby animals bring a lot of food with them every day! But I am an intelligent tiger cub; my food is the least!

His mother said:
Well, I will feed you as much as you like! Are you hungry?

Timmy said:

His mother said:
So why are you crying?

Timmy said:
Because the kids make fun of me and say that I eat the least! They say that whoever eats more is stronger!

Timmy’s mother said:
It’s not like that, my son! Everyone eats as much as he can! They eat all the meat their father brings them every day, but you keep some of it in a safe place every day.

Timmy asked:
What does it mean? A safe place?

His mother said with a laugh.
You will understand what I mean later!

Days passed and passed until one day, the crow woke everyone up and said:
I have hot news! The king of the jungle has woken up! The race is on its way! What does the king think? All the people of the forest! Please, everyone, come to the shelter! We must go to see the lion king, the king of the jungle.

All the animals went to the big lion sanctuary with their babies! The lion came out of his shelter and said to the animals:
Today I want to choose the future king of the jungle.

All the animals were happy to hear this news. Lion continued:
But choosing the king of the jungle takes work. That’s why we have to hold a contest! Any baby animal that can bring the crown of the king of the jungle from inside the cave of the mountain will become the king of the jungle!

The next day, all the baby animals went to the high mountain with a small backpacks.

Timmy ‘s mother also put a food container in Timmy ‘s backpack and said to him:

Remember when I told you that you keep some of your food in a safe place every day?

Timmy said in surprise:

His mother showed him the dish and said:
These are the same foods! When you reach the mountain, give this dish to Mr. Eagle!

Timmy asked:
Mr. Eagle?

His mother laughed and sent him to the high mountain!

When all the baby animals reached the mountain, they saw a giant and angry eagle standing in front of the cave door, not allowing anyone to enter the cave. He growled:
Baby animals! What have you brought me?

The baby animals looked at each other! But no one had anything to give Mr. Eagle! At the same time, Timmy took out the food container his mother had given him from his bag and gave it to Mr. Eagle! When Mr. Eagle saw the dish full of meat, his eyes sparkled, and he said:
What an intelligent baby tiger! You are allowed to enter the cave and take whatever you like!



Source: moral stories for kids

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